Written for FVA by: Kathy Cabradilla (Licensed Financial Advisor and Property Consultant, FVA Batch 10, FVA Coach)
Can’t find for the perfect job? My freelancing journey started when I was burned out with my day job. I am a mom of 2 kids and a wife to my loving husband. We are a happy family following Christ in our own little ways. I had challenges dealing with stress and time management. Here are some tips that might help you decide on what to do with your career.
5 Signs That You Want To Be A Freelancer Without Knowing It:
Picky with jobs
I was tired looking for a job that would fit my schedule and salary that I want. It’s either you have the schedule but lower rates, or higher pay but schedule sucks. If there are high pay and good schedule, you might need to go overseas (Which is not an option for me)
Always looking forward to rest days and vacation
I would love spending weekends and Philippine holidays with the family. These are the days that kids have no school and hubby is on rest day. I wouldn’t want to miss simple days like these.
Job significance
I was looking for a job that would add value to my life. I am no longer impress working in a corporate world where basis of your value is the amount of the money you receive every payday. I was looking for something more beneficial to the other party than I do. (Sounds stupid right?) but that’s what I want. I want to help people dealing with real life situation, the job that is fulfilling and rewarding.
Fan of social media sites
I love how powerful social media is nowadays. It can also be a serious career, business or income generating tool. Since I am online most of the time, why not earn from it?
Being a hands-on mom/dad
I want to be there for my kids in all important occasions of their lives. Kids are blessings that we need to take care of. Building moments with kids are one of the best things we can do as parents.
I would always look for ways to help my husband with our finances without sacrificing time with the kids. I found answer through freelancing.
Praise God for this wonderful opportunity! Now, there are 1.4Million freelancers in the Philippines. How can these people go wrong?
Most importantly, do all things with LOVE…
Coach Kathy is a FVA Coach. She handles FVA – South Luzon. If you are close or within the area. Connect with her here!